33.15S 18.075E

Monday, June 21, 2010


June 16 is Youth Day (a bank holiday) in South Africa. Ros & I celebrated by exploring London. I re-discovered a large sense of youth in me :)

Here is some memories:

My "artistic" view of charging through London

After a trip on the Eye (by now Ianni joined us), we had a fab dinner at a great Italian joint just off Trafalgar Sq. The sun had (finally) set and I took a couple of longer exposures on the way home!

One fairly large bicycle wheel :)

Thursday I had lunch & an ale with Gustav (old school friend) and joined Locky at The Ship for Lady B's birthday party! Whoop whoop! What a jol. Got home way too late and packed in the dark so as not to disturb my sleeping hosts. 2Morrow we're off to Italy at the crack of dawn, or just before!