Brother-in-law 2b's 2nd batchelors
some of this is just plain nasty - its amazing what one will involutarily part take in for the sake of a "batchelors party" (and at what cost I might add!)
so it turns out that my only little sister is tying the knot and with that comes the responsibility of older brother to ensure that hubby-to-b is of acceptable quality. to this effect I've shared a physical address with the guy for more than a year now, ducked out of the 1st batchelors party (I assigned the required responsibilities to the other brother) to visit the US and then had to pull together for the final leg.
here's some evidence:
some Jhb girls had rather profound msg's for him
and even over me to...
he outlasted his main event coordinator by a mile, didn't hurl & generally kept it together very well. as a result I fired off an sms to the batchelor-ette at around 02:30: "hey sus! eks by jou man 2b en hys 100%, ma effe getarra! vat hom nou huis toe. jy kan hom ma trou, hys goed genoeg vi jou!
he outlasted his main event coordinator by a mile, didn't hurl & generally kept it together very well. as a result I fired off an sms to the batchelor-ette at around 02:30: "hey sus! eks by jou man 2b en hys 100%, ma effe getarra! vat hom nou huis toe. jy kan hom ma trou, hys goed genoeg vi jou!
can't say that this came at a small cost as physical recovery from the illness I've been fighting for the last month is pushed out a little further... all for a good cause!