33.15S 18.075E

Thursday, March 01, 2007


HdeV reflecting on 2x weeks and thinking out loud…

As I signed in this morning (yip, I still don’t have an access card) the entry before me was a new recruit starting today. The next batch is here and you know what… I’m not the Newbie any more!

A wise snr exec said during orientation: “At Acc, ask if help is needed, help if asked”. These are true words spoken by a wise man. What he was referring to was the importance of your support system and network at work. Getting to know your colleagues should be a bigger priority for me.

Another wise Acc employee (seems like there’s a lot of them here!) reminded me that Acc employed us because of the state we were in at the interview, ie. because of your personality (and obviously your EQ & IQ) and the way you portrayed yourself at the time. (remember that this is all they knew about you at the time) Her instruction was NOT to change in WHO you are. Obviously you’ll develop and mature here (we hope), but remember that working here shouldn’t deter you from following your passions in life. Don’t throw your personal dreams out the window and become so work focused that you become unhappy because your house is no longer in order. That’ll change WHO you are and they might not like the “NEW” you. This is a (maybe universal) truth.