33.15S 18.075E

Friday, June 30, 2006


Happy birthday to Gustav (London) and Elrina (CapeTown). EgyptAir was very kind and gave me a gr8 hotel walking distance from the airport. Mind you, haven't heard anyplanes 2day... hope they're flying. I'll test the pool facilities a bit later.

I lower my head in a technological shame... managed to get the Ipaq and SonyEricsson talking via bluetooth. Eqypt has gprs (unlike Spain), hene I'm posting again. Had this worked from day 1 I might not have gone awal in Paris - apologies.

So I managed a couple of hrs sleep, 4.30 - 9.00. Hoping to find Giza a bit l8r to see what the big fuss re pyramids are about. Upon request hotel front desk informed me that a taxi to Giza should be about E£ 45 and then tried to sell me a US$70 trip there. Given my adventure it would be wrong to take the guide and aircon trip, so me & mr taxi / bus it will be! When in Cairo, do as the locals do! Who knows, I might start using SA mini busses too!

Flying out of CAI at 0240 2morrow to arrive in JHB at 0940. Then to make my way to Cpt!